Python: Basics and Advanced and Requirements Manager

Free of cost

by funding

With Python, you have mastered an easy-to-learn programming language that is often used as a scripting language. You will also be familiar with in-depth topics such as standard and third-party packages, strings and OOP, working with databases and web development with Flask. The course also explains the steps and techniques of requirements management.
  • Certificates: Certificate "Python: Basics and Advanced"
    Certificate "IREB® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering - Foundation Level"
  • Additional Certificates: Python" certificate
    Certificate "PCAP™ - Certified Associate Python Programmer"
  • Examination: Practical project work with final presentations
    Certified Associate Python Programmer (PCAP™) (in English)
    IREB® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering - Foundation Level
  • Teaching Times: Full-time
    Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:35 p.m. (in weeks with public holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 5:10 p.m.)
  • Language of Instruction: German
  • Duration: 12 Weeks

Programming with Python

Python basics (approx. 1 day)

History, concepts

Usage and areas of application


First steps with Python (approx. 5 days)



Date and time

Standard input and output

list, tuple dict, set

Branches and loops (if, for, while)

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

Functions (approx. 5 days)

Define your own functions


Parameters, recursion

Functional programming

Troubleshooting (approx. 0.5 days)

try, except

Intercept program interruptions

Object-oriented programming (approx. 4.5 days)

Python classes


Immutable objects

Data class


Graphical user interface (approx. 1 day)

Buttons and text fields

Grid layout

File selection

Project work (approx. 3 days)

To consolidate the content learned

Presentation of the project results

Python Advanced

Modules, packages and error handling (approx. 4 days)

Introduction to Python modules and packages

Importing and using standard and third-party packages

Creating custom modules and packages

Working with sys and os (host platform functions)

Introduction to exceptions and error handling (try, except, finally)

Creating and using self-defined exceptions

Best practices for robust error handling

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

Strings and OOP basics (approx. 8 days)

Introduction to working with strings

Integrated string methods (split, join, find, replace etc.)

Formatting and processing strings

String slicing and working with regular expressions (RegEx)

Introduction to classes, objects, instance methods and variables

Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism

Constructors (__init__) and destructors (__del__)

Inheritance hierarchies and superclasses

In-depth study of object-oriented programming (approx. 2.5 days)

In-depth study of inheritance and polymorphism

Application of magic methods (__str__, __repr__, __eq__, __lt__, etc.)

Properties and decorators in classes

Design patterns: singleton, factory, etc.

List Comprehensions for efficient list processing

Lambda functions and anonymous function writing

Closures and scoping in Python

Understanding and using generators and iterators

Working with files, databases and web development (approx. 2.5 days)

Reading and writing files (CSV, JSON)

Introduction to SQL and connection to SQLite databases

CRUD operations in a database (create, read, update, delete)

Introduction to Flask and creation of a simple web application

Routes and templates in Flask

CRUD applications in Flask (database integration)

Project work, certification preparation and certification exam "PCAP™ - Certified Associate Python Programmer" in English (approx. 3 days)

Requirements manager including IREB® Foundation Level

Basics (approx. 2.5 days)

Definitions of terms

ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148: 2018

Types of requirements

Four main tasks

Role and tasks

Nine basic principles

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

Work products and documentation (approx. 7 days)

Definition of work products

General documentation guidelines

Natural language work products

Template-based work products

Model-based work products (e.g. use case diagrams)


Requirements documents and documentation structures


Quality criteria

Requirements elicitation (approx. 3 days)

Sources of requirements

Requirements categorization according to the Kano model

Elicitation techniques

Coordination and conflict resolution

Validation (approx. 1 day)

Quality aspects (content, documentation, consistency)

Review techniques

Exploration techniques

Process and work structure (approx. 1 day)

Influencing factors

Facets of processes

Configuration of processes

Requirements management (approx. 2 days)

Lifecycle management

Version control and traceability

Configurations and baselines

Attributes and views

Dealing with changes


Tool support (approx. 0.5 days)

Project work, certification preparation and certification exam "IREB® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering - Foundation Level" (approx. 3 days)

Changes are possible. The course content is updated regularly.

After the course, you will have a comprehensive knowledge of programming with Python. You will be able to confidently use the programming language with its classes, libraries and functions. You will be able to use concepts such as generators, decorators and list comprehensions as well as efficiently analyse and visualize data. You will also work confidently with files and databases and create basic web applications with Flask, including a complete CRUD application.

You are also proficient in dealing with the requirements placed on a product, from determination, documentation and testing to administration. You know the most important terms as well as interfaces and key people.

IT apprentices, IT specialists, programmers and specialists with relevant professional experience.

The versatility of Python makes employees with the relevant skills attractive in numerous industries and companies. People with programming skills in Python are particularly sought after in web development, machine learning and data analysis.

With the original "PCAP™ - Certified Associate Python Programmer" certificate, you will acquire meaningful proof of your professional advancement.

Complex IT systems have complex requirements - if these are not recognized and recorded correctly, this can lead to delays and costly errors during the process. The task of requirements management is therefore becoming increasingly important in numerous IT sectors.

Didactic concept

Your lecturers are highly qualified both professionally and didactically and will teach you from the first to the last day (no self-study system).

You will learn in effective small groups. The courses usually consist of 6 to 25 participants. The general lessons are supplemented by numerous practical exercises in all course modules. The practice phase is an important part of the course, as it is during this time that you process what you have just learned and gain confidence and routine in its application. The final section of the course involves a project, a case study or a final exam.


Virtual classroom alfaview®

Lessons take place using modern alfaview® video technology - either from the comfort of your own home or at our premises at Bildungszentrum. The entire course can see each other face-to-face via alfaview®, communicate with each other in lip-sync voice quality and work on joint projects. Of course, you can also see and talk to your connected trainers live at any time and you will be taught by your lecturers in real time for the entire duration of the course. The lessons are not e-learning, but real live face-to-face lessons via video technology.


The courses at alfatraining are funded by Agentur für Arbeit and are certified in accordance with the AZAV approval regulation. When submitting a Bildungsgutscheinor Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein, the entire course costs are usually covered by your funding body.
Funding is also possible via Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF), Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV) or regional funding programs. As a regular soldier, you have the option of attending further training courses via Berufsförderungsdienst (BFD). Companies can also have their employees qualified via funding from Agentur für Arbeit (Qualifizierungschancengesetz).

We will gladly advise you free of charge. 0800 3456-500 Mon. - Fri. from 8 am to 5 pm
free of charge from all German networks.
We will gladly advise you free of charge. 0800 3456-500 Mon. - Fri. from 8 am to 5 pm free of charge from all German networks.