C++/Qt developer with electromobility

Free of cost

by funding

This course teaches object-oriented programming with C++ and explains the structure of electric vehicles and batteries as well as the power electronics of electric vehicles. Insights are given into the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in your professional environment.
  • Certificates: Certificate "C++/Qt Developer"
    Electromobility" certificate
  • Examination: Practical project work with final presentations
  • Teaching Times: Full-time
    Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:35 p.m. (in weeks with public holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 5:10 p.m.)
  • Language of Instruction: German
  • Duration: 12 Weeks

C++/Qt developer

Basic language concepts (approx. 5 days)

Elementary and composite data types, enumeration types, type conversion

Variables (declaration, initialization, scopes)

Operators (arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise)

Program control (allocations, loops)


General basics (approx. 4 days)

Basic understanding of IDEs, compilers, linkers

What is and is not possible with C++



Operators/binding strength/L+R values

Loops (for, while)

Branches (if, switch)

Streams (console/file input/output)

A container from the standard library

Structure and compilation of programs

Classes and methods (constructors, destructors)

Functions (passing arguments)

Function overloading (same function names for similar tasks)

Default arguments

Inline expansion for functions

Object libraries: IOStream

Input (streams)

Output (streams)

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

Language concepts in the C++ standard (ISO/IEC 14882) (approx. 3 days)

Arrays and (dynamic) memory structures, iterators

Pointer (arithmetic), references, function pointers

Character strings and their processing

Object-oriented programming (approx. 8 days)

Basic concepts of object-oriented thinking

Class diagrams, classes as abstractions of concrete objects, encapsulation principle

Structure and elements of classes

Step-by-step creation of own classes

Instantiation and use of objects

Overloading methods/operators

Templates (class and function templates)

Inheritance and polymorphism

Overwriting methods, virtual methods and dynamic binding

Abstract classes

Qt basics (approx. 3 days)

Library modules and Qt tools

Development: Qt Creator IDE, Qt Assistant, Qt Designer, Qt Linguist, Qt Confiq

Multilingualism and localization

Unicode support and codes

Signal slot concept (approx. 1 day)

Connecting signals with slots

Implementing signals and slots

AutoConnection, DirectConnection,


Objects in Qt (approx. 3 days)

Object management trees

Window programming

Layout management

Meta-Object System

Memory Management

Event Handling

GUI techniques (approx. 4 days)

QWidget class and nesting

GUI programming with QtDesigner

Qt Quick and QML (Qt Meta-Object Language)

QPainter, variants of data drawing,

2D transformations

Status bar, toolbar, dockbar

Dialog variants and simple input widgets

Scroll and splitter widgets

Drag & drop support

Supporting techniques (approx. 2 days)

Printing under Qt

Qt container classes and iteration forms

SQL accesses and SQL models

Inter-thread communication and synchronization

Multimedia (approx. 2 days)

Application Navigation


Native API Access

Localization and positioning

Project work (approx. 5 days)

To consolidate the content learned

Presentation of the project results


Overview of electric vehicles (approx. 1 day)

History of electric vehicles

Fundamental differences between electric and other vehicles

Advantages and disadvantages of the electric drive

Current state of the art and future of electric motors

Basics of the electric vehicle (approx. 2 days)

Introduction to electric mobility: electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, other electric vehicles (e-bikes, e-scooters, etc.)

Basic structure of electric vehicles

Drive and electromobility concepts

Energy and storage technology

Grid integration of electric mobility

Electrified drive train (approx. 4 days)

Electric motor basics: requirements, DC motor, three-phase motor and operation in electric vehicles

Calculation basis for the electric car drive

Batteries/rechargeable batteries as energy storage in electric cars: types and their special features, sizes, weights and costs, operating conditions and service life, battery management, charging methods, determining the condition, battery safety

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

Power electronics for electric vehicles (approx. 3 days)

Areas of application

Requirements for power electronics

Components and their properties

Measuring equipment in the field of power electronics

Basic structures of power electronics

Circuit topologies

Control and regulation methods

Electromagnetic compatibility

Functional safety for automotive according to ISO 26262 (approx. 1 day)

Current jurisdiction

Introduction to the safety life cycle

Safety-relevant functionalities

Planning of safety concepts in different roles

Charging and charging infrastructure (approx. 3 days)

Battery charging basics: Charging rate, battery capacity

Relationships between power grids and charging infrastructure

Requirements and prerequisites for connecting and operating charging infrastructure

Special requirements for the grid-side charging infrastructure

Current situation of the charging infrastructure in Germany

Calculating the economic viability of electric vehicles

New business models for electromobility

Range and consumption of electric vehicles (approx. 1 day)

Physical basics

Procedure for calculating a driving cycle: NEDC, WLTP

Consumption calculation

Electricity for the electric vehicles (approx. 1 day)

Energy generation: Primary energy source, electricity mix in Germany, renewable energies

Storage of electricity: storage technologies, important electricity storage systems

Life cycle assessment of electric vehicles (approx. 1 day)

Assessment of an environmental balance sheet

Production and recycling phase

Use phase

Project work (approx. 3 days)

To consolidate the content learned

Presentation of the project results

Changes are possible. The course content is updated regularly.

After this course, you will have mastered the C++ programming language, one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. You will be able to handle C++ quickly and confidently and will be able to develop complex solutions. You will also be able to work confidently with the Qt class library, carry out Qt5 programming and use more complex GUI techniques.

After the course, you will also have basic knowledge of electromobility and be able to assess the benefits and possible applications of various electric drives. You will be familiar with the physical and technical characteristics of electric vehicles and will also be familiar with legal aspects and safety concepts for companies.

IT apprentices, IT specialists, programmers and specialists with relevant professional experience.

C++ is used in both system and application programming. Typical fields of application in system programming are operating systems, embedded systems, virtual machines, drivers and signal processors.

The challenges of climate policy are also leading to a rethink in the vehicle industry: in Germany, the focus is primarily on electric motors. Specialists with knowledge of electromobility are therefore offered numerous exciting new fields of work in all technical sectors.

Your meaningful certificate provides a detailed insight into the qualifications you have acquired and improves your career prospects.

Didactic concept

Your lecturers are highly qualified both professionally and didactically and will teach you from the first to the last day (no self-study system).

You will learn in effective small groups. The courses usually consist of 6 to 25 participants. The general lessons are supplemented by numerous practical exercises in all course modules. The practice phase is an important part of the course, as it is during this time that you process what you have just learned and gain confidence and routine in its application. The final section of the course involves a project, a case study or a final exam.


Virtual classroom alfaview®

Lessons take place using modern alfaview® video technology - either from the comfort of your own home or at our premises at Bildungszentrum. The entire course can see each other face-to-face via alfaview®, communicate with each other in lip-sync voice quality and work on joint projects. Of course, you can also see and talk to your connected trainers live at any time and you will be taught by your lecturers in real time for the entire duration of the course. The lessons are not e-learning, but real live face-to-face lessons via video technology.


The courses at alfatraining are funded by Agentur für Arbeit and are certified in accordance with the AZAV approval regulation. When submitting a Bildungsgutscheinor Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein, the entire course costs are usually covered by your funding body.
Funding is also possible via Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF), Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV) or regional funding programs. As a regular soldier, you have the option of attending further training courses via Berufsförderungsdienst (BFD). Companies can also have their employees qualified via funding from Agentur für Arbeit (Qualifizierungschancengesetz).

We will gladly advise you free of charge. 0800 3456-500 Mon. - Fri. from 8 am to 5 pm
free of charge from all German networks.
We will gladly advise you free of charge. 0800 3456-500 Mon. - Fri. from 8 am to 5 pm free of charge from all German networks.