Representative for integrated management systems and compliance officer

Free of cost

by funding

An integrated management system (IMS) combines tools and methods for compliance with various standards in a uniform structure. Furthermore, knowledge in the area of compliance is explained and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in your profession is explained.
  • Certificates: Certificate "Representative for integrated management systems"
    Certificate "Compliance Officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification"
  • Additional Certificates: Certificate "Quality representative with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification"
    Certificate "Occupational health and safety management representative with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification"
    Certificate "Environmental protection officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification"
    Certificate "Environmental manager with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification"
    Integrated management systems" certificate
  • Examination: Practical project work with final presentations
    Quality officers with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualifications
    Occupational health and safety management officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification
    Environmental protection officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification
    Environmental manager with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification
    Compliance Officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification
  • Teaching Times: Full-time
    Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:35 p.m. (in weeks with public holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 5:10 p.m.)
  • Language of Instruction: German
  • Duration: 24 Weeks

Quality officers with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualifications

Basics of quality management (approx. 1 day)

Terms and definitions

Quality management

Quality management systems

Standards and guidelines

Process basics (approx. 1 day)

What is a process?

Process management according to ISO 9001

Identification of processes

ISO 9001 process model

Corporate environment (approx. 1 day)

Context of the organization

Interested parties

Scope of application

Management (approx. 1.5 days)

Commitment to the QM system

Quality policy

Responsibilities and powers

Planning (approx. 1 day)

Dealing with risks and opportunities

Quality objectives and planning

Planning changes

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

Support (approx. 2 days)





Knowledge of the organization, knowledge management

Documentation of the quality management system

Operation (approx. 2 days)

Operational planning

Requirements for products and services

Product development

Predictive failure avoidance with FMEA, QFD, Poka Yoke

External provision

Supply Chain Act (LkSG) and EU Sustainability Directive (CSDDD)

Production and service provision

Release of products and services

Control of non-conforming results

Evaluation of performance (approx. 1.5 days)

Monitoring and measurement

Internal audit

Management review

Improvement (approx. 1 day)

Non-conformity and corrective actions

Continuous improvement

Auditing and certification (approx. 1.5 days)

Fundamentals of auditing

Internal audits

Audit procedure

Auditing external providers or external parties

Certification audit

Communication (approx. 2 days)

Building blocks of communication

The iceberg principle of communication

The four-ears model

Communication behavior in audits

Project management (approx. 1 day)

Definition of project

Managing projects successfully

Total Quality Management (approx. 0.5 days)

Quality of an organization

ISO 9004: Guidance for achieving sustainable success

EFQM Model for Excellence

Project work, certification preparation and certification examination "Quality Officer with TÜV Rheinland certified qualification" (approx. 3 days)

Occupational health and safety management officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification

Basics (approx. 5 days)

Legal basis/company responsibility

Requirements, standardization and structure according to DIN ISO 45001

Company management systems

Responsible and authorized persons in occupational health and safety management

First aid book and accident reports

Operating instructions and briefings

Tasks and benefits of accident insurance

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

Occupational health and safety management (approx. 2 days)

Introduction of an occupational health and safety management system

Integration into other management systems: Harmonized Structure (HS) in HSQE management systems

Assessment of risks and opportunities (approx. 4 days)

Assessment of risks and opportunities

Product Safety Act, Machinery Directive

Registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals (REACH)

Hazards due to noise

Hazards due to electricity

Mental stress as a risk factor

Preparation of risk assessments

Personal protective measures

Planning occupational health and safety management (approx. 3 days)

Process model (PDCA cycle)

Context of the organization

Involvement of interested parties

Industrial Safety Ordinance (BetrSichV), Workplace Ordinance (ArbStättV)

Implementation of occupational health and safety management (approx. 3 days)

Objectives and key figures in occupational health and safety

Documented information of an occupational health and safety management system and its control

Control, improvement and further development

Audits and certification

Project work, certification preparation and certification examination "Occupational health and safety management officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification" (approx. 3 days)

Environmental protection officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification

Basics (approx. 2 days)

Environmental law: operator obligations, responsibilities, liability

Rights and obligations of company representatives

Environmental liability law

Administrative offenses and environmental criminal law

Waste management (approx. 4 days)

Waste law

Recycling and Waste Management Act

Subordinate legislation, including NachwV, AVV, AbfAEV, EfbV

Differentiation between product and waste, product regulations (e.g. commercial waste)

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies and possible applications in the professional environment

Water protection (approx. 3 days)

Water law

Water Resources Act (WHG)

Wastewater levy and water usage fees

Indirect discharger ordinance

Sub-legal regulations, including AwSV, AbwV (wastewater disposal/discharge, handling of substances hazardous to water)

Immission control (approx. 4 days)

Immission control law

Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG)

Subordinate legislation to the BImSchG (including BImSchV, TA-Luft, TA-Lärm)

Other relevant legal regulations, including UVPG

Plant approval

Implementation of the IED Directive

Hazardous substances/chemicals law (approx. 4 days)

Basics of handling hazardous substances (including GefStoffV, TRGS)


Requirements for the storage of hazardous substances according to VbF and TRGS

Safety data sheets and operating instructions

Dangerous goods in distinction to waste law

Basics of GGVSEB, ADR

Project work, certification preparation and certification examination "Environmental Protection Officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification" (approx. 3 days)

Environmental manager with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification

Management systems (approx. 1 day)

Function and structure of management systems

IMS - integrated management systems (approx. 2 days)

Synergy effects through IMS

High Level Structure (HLS)

What are requirements?

Who sets requirements?

Requirements for environmental management systems ISO 14001, EMAS

Requirements from ISO 14001

Context of the organization (approx. 1 day)

Understanding the context

Expectations of interested parties (stakeholder approach and stakeholder analysis)

Scope of the EMS

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies and possible applications in the professional environment

Leadership (approx. 3 days)

Leadership and commitment

Environmental and energy policy

Roles, responsibilities and powers

Internal and external communication

Communication models

Environmental statement/energy balance sheet as an instrument of external communication

Planning an EMS/EnMS (approx. 5 days)

Measures for dealing with hazards and opportunities or risk-based approach (risk analysis and FMEA)

Significant environmental aspects for EMS/EnMS

Consideration of product life cycle and value chain

EMAS III: additional aspects and requirements

Implementation of the EMS/EnMS (approx. 4 days)

Identification, description, evaluation of environmentally relevant processes and procedures

Implementation of environmental law requirements - legal compliance

LkSG - Supply Chain Duty of Care Act

Management system documentation

Environmental performance assessment and key figures

Energy balance


Communication in audits

Improvement processes (approx. 1 day)




Project work, certification preparation and certification exam "Environmental Manager with TÜV Rheinland certified qualification" (approx. 3 days)

Integrated management systems (IMS)

The Big Five (approx. 1 day)

ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, 45001, 50001

Non-ISO standards for IMS


Management system (MS) (approx. 4 days)


Components - objectives, processes, resources, performance monitoring

PDCA cycle as an improvement cycle

Focus on standards

Relationships - understanding and implementing the system approach

Process-oriented approach vs. function-oriented approach

Difficulty of introducing management systems

Basics - purpose and objective of Management System Standard (MSS)

Standard applications and requirements

Application - Implementation of standard requirements

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

Integration preparation (approx. 2 days)

Managing the integration

Defining the area of application

"Scope, context, interested parties

Scope of application of combined


Planning the integration

Linking IMS and MSS standards (approx. 1 day)

Structuring the IMS

Structuring the requirements of MSS standards

"Mapping" of the requirements

Integrating the MSS standards into the IMS (approx. 1 day)

Analyze gaps

Closing the gaps through further measures

Reviewing the measures

Maintaining integration (approx. 1 day)

Maintaining and improving integration

Document requirements (approx. 1 day)

Various MSS standards and other stakeholders

Documentation options for an IMS

Documentation for audit preparation

Auditing the IMS (approx. 2 days)

Audit definitions, audit types and audit principles

Parties interested in the IMS audit

Requirements of different audits

Audits in companies

Audit program

Audit plan

Audit questionnaire

Certification of MSS

Certification of an IMS (approx. 1 day)

Parts worthy of certification

Combined or integrated audit

Selection of certifiers

Application and procedure

Complexity of IMS (approx. 3 days)

Summary of all contents

Opportunities and risks

Outlook and discussion

Typical communication problems in organizations

Roles, duties and powers

Communication with different stakeholders

Communication methods

Communication with documents

Project work (approx. 3 days)

To consolidate the content learned

Presentation of the project results

Compliance Officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification

Compliance basics (approx. 1 day)

Differentiation from ethics

Importance of corporate culture

Change management for a practiced compliance culture

Historical background and international development of compliance

Compliance challenges in the context of globalized markets

Compliance as a competitive advantage

Compliance culture (approx. 3 days)

Compliance culture as an elementary prerequisite for a CMS

Values and integrity management (tone from the top/tone at the top)

Leadership commitment and awareness building

DCGK - Corporate Governance vs. Compliance Management

Code of conduct and compliance policy as the "moral backbone" of a company

Code of Conduct - manifestations and benefits - obligation or "window dressing"?

Implementation of a Code of Conduct: Employment law perspective, co-determination obligations under employment law

LkSG - Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

Compliance risk (approx. 2 days)

Risk perception and risk psychology

Strategic risk management and enterprise risk management

Risk management as a mandatory management task §§91 and 93 AktG

Compliance risk - terminology and analysis

Compliance risk identification - top-down and bottom-up methods

Compliance risk management - procedures and instruments

Antitrust compliance (approx. 1 day)

European antitrust law under the TFEU and German antitrust law under the GWB

From the "independence postulate" to the "impact principle"

Antitrust law risks - restriction of competition by object or effect

Corruption prevention (approx. 1 day)

Corruption of public officials vs. private corruption

Relationship management, social adequacy and zero tolerance - problem outline

5-step plan

Money laundering prevention (approx. 1 day)

From the catalog of predicate offenses to the all-crime approach

Causal chain, FATF, EU directives, GWG

Obligations under the GWG and the fulfillment of due diligence and reporting obligations

Export control (approx. 1 day)

Principle of free foreign trade and associated restrictions

Basic questions of export compliance, possible legal consequences and sanctions to be observed

Internal Export Compliance Program

Compliance Organization (approx. 2 days)

Compliance as an interface task in the external and internal relationship of a company

Stakeholder analysis and the importance of the concept of corporate social responsibility for compliance management

Importance of the supervisory board in particular for compliance management

Compliance documentation: functions, security measures and documentation content

Whistleblower systems: origins, criteria, benefits, international legal framework (SOX, Dodd-Frank Act, UKBA, Sapin II)

Whistleblower systems (approx. 1 day)

GeschGehG - betrayal of secrets and whistleblowing, justification solutions §§ 138, 34 StGB, criminal law risks for whistleblowers

Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23, 2019

Whistleblower Protection Act - HinSchG 2022 - Practical relevance for companies and actual effectiveness with regard to effective whistleblower protection

Options for setting up a whistleblower system and their advantages and disadvantages

Compliance Officer (approx. 2 days)

Classification of the compliance structure, understanding of roles

CMS and Compliance Board as instruments for reducing information asymmetries and establishing effective compliance structures

Tasks and personality profile

BAFIN's MaComp as orientation for the employment contract and job description of a CO

Civil and criminal liability risks of a CO - position of guarantor under Section 13 StGB

Reflections on standing and positioning in the future

Compliance control (approx. 1 day)

Standards ISO 37301 and IDW PS 980

Implementation and testing of a CMS incentive model in accordance with BGH case law

Management and organizational specifications, as well as necessary measures for the implementation of a CMS

High-level structure and PDCA cycle as defining characteristics of ISO 37301

Adequacy and effectiveness checks, internal and external audits, certification of a CMS

Reactions to compliance violations (approx. 2 days)

Internal investigation: right or duty?

VerSanG - driver for compliance?

Conducting an internal investigation - essentials: decision-making authority, urgent measures, emergency plan, data protection, employment law, co-determination obligations, employee surveys

Sanctions and liability

Amnesty programs, termination as a last resort, alternatives: Release, reassignment, transfer, recourse claims

Liability of the management board of the AG, business judgment rule and reversal of the burden of proof

Liability of GmbH managing directors, role of D&O insurance and criminal liability insurance in cases of non-compliance

Crisis communication: principles and strategies

Project work, certification preparation and certification exam "Compliance Officer with TÜV Rheinland certified qualification" (approx. 2 days)

Changes are possible. The course content is updated regularly.

Knowledge of quality-related activities is recommended for the course.

Once you have completed the course, you will be able to manage a QM system and have professional knowledge in the application of DIN EN ISO 9001. You will also be able to plan and set up an occupational health and safety management system and integrate it into other management systems in accordance with the Harmonized Structure. Furthermore, you will be able to assess risks in accordance with European and German environmental law and take measures to meet all technical and organizational requirements of a company in the area of environmental protection. You will be qualified to implement, operate and evaluate environmental management systems in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 and energy management systems. Finally, you will be able to plan, implement, audit and continuously improve an integrated management system (IMS).

You will also be prepared for your duties as a compliance officer. You know the basics of company law and can thus minimize liability risks. You will also be familiar with the requirements of a compliance management system.

This course is primarily aimed at management representatives from the areas of quality, environment, energy and occupational health and safety who wish to expand their area of activity.

As a representative for integrated management systems, you will bring together different requirements from quality, environmental, occupational health and safety and energy management systems in a uniform structure, enabling more efficient management. This makes you interesting for both large and medium-sized companies in industry, trade and the service sector, as well as for organizations and authorities. Your meaningful certificate provides a detailed insight into the qualifications you have acquired and facilitates your career entry and advancement.

The compliance officer's area of responsibility is growing all the time. Companies in the banking and financial services, insurance and service industries are therefore increasingly reliant on their services. Compliance officers are also increasingly sought after in public administrations, associations and some organizations and corporations.

After the course, you will be able to demonstrate your new skills with a TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification.

Didactic concept

Your lecturers are highly qualified both professionally and didactically and will teach you from the first to the last day (no self-study system).

You will learn in effective small groups. The courses usually consist of 6 to 25 participants. The general lessons are supplemented by numerous practical exercises in all course modules. The practice phase is an important part of the course, as it is during this time that you process what you have just learned and gain confidence and routine in its application. The final section of the course involves a project, a case study or a final exam.


Virtual classroom alfaview®

Lessons take place using modern alfaview® video technology - either from the comfort of your own home or at our premises at Bildungszentrum. The entire course can see each other face-to-face via alfaview®, communicate with each other in lip-sync voice quality and work on joint projects. Of course, you can also see and talk to your connected trainers live at any time and you will be taught by your lecturers in real time for the entire duration of the course. The lessons are not e-learning, but real live face-to-face lessons via video technology.


The courses at alfatraining are funded by Agentur für Arbeit and are certified in accordance with the AZAV approval regulation. When submitting a Bildungsgutscheinor Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein, the entire course costs are usually covered by your funding body.
Funding is also possible via Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF), Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV) or regional funding programs. As a regular soldier, you have the option of attending further training courses via Berufsförderungsdienst (BFD). Companies can also have their employees qualified via funding from Agentur für Arbeit (Qualifizierungschancengesetz).

We will gladly advise you free of charge. 0800 3456-500 Mon. - Fri. from 8 am to 5 pm
free of charge from all German networks.
We will gladly advise you free of charge. 0800 3456-500 Mon. - Fri. from 8 am to 5 pm free of charge from all German networks.