Construction manager

Free of cost

by funding

As a construction manager, you mediate between clients and contractors and ensure that the construction project runs smoothly. You are familiar with construction project management, construction and construction contract law, cost calculation, BIM management, environmental protection and artificial intelligence in your profession.
  • Certificates: Construction manager" certificate
  • Additional Certificates: Certificate "Construction project management"
    Certificate "Construction and construction contract law"
    Certificate "Cost calculation, AVA and HOAI in construction"
    buildingSMART certificate "Professional Certification - Foundation Basic Module"
    Certificate "Environmental protection officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification"
  • Examination: Practical project work with final presentations
    buildingSMART/VDI certification
    Environmental protection officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification
  • Teaching Times: Full-time
    Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:35 p.m. (in weeks with public holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 5:10 p.m.)
  • Language of Instruction: German
  • Duration: 18 Weeks

Construction project management

Basics of construction project management (approx. 3 days)

Basics of project management

Tasks and roles of those involved in the project Interfaces

The construction project - from planning to the start of construction

Construction logistics


Soft skills (negotiation, conflict management, team leadership)

Contracts and tools (approx. 3 days)

Important legal regulations (BGB, VOB)

Standards, methods and procedures

AHO service profiles, HOAI basics

Award and contract management

What is BIM and how does it influence construction project management?

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

Project controlling in construction (approx. 2 days)

Risk management

Meeting deadlines and costs

Quality processes


Project work (approx. 2 days)

To consolidate the content learned

Presentation of the project results

Construction and construction contract law

Building law (approx. 5 days)

Building law in general

Building planning law

Building regulations law

Real estate

Building management

Energy management

Appraisal committee

Real estate valuation

Procurement of construction and planning services

Urban development

Building construction

Civil engineering

Building yards

Roads and rights of way

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

Construction contract law (approx. 3 days)

Rights and obligations of planners

Design of the planner contract

Effects on VOB contracts

Consequences for construction contracts

Problems and risks

Drafting and processing contracts (approx. 5 days)

Conclusion of contracts

Entitlement to remuneration of the contractor

Acceptance of work performance

Security deposits, statute of limitations problems

General terms and conditions of the construction contract

Rights and obligations of the parties involved in construction

Warranty obligations of the contractor

Basics of public procurement law

Basics of contract law

Dealing with construction disruptions

Enforcement of supplementary claims

Settlement of the construction contract (approx. 4 days)

Partial invoices

Final invoices

Terminated contract

Excess quantities/shortfall quantities/supplements

Payment deadlines

Statute of limitations

Security deposits

Payment security according to BGB (§§ 648, 648 a BGB)

Contractual penalty

Construction Claims Security Act

Payment terms

cash discount

Project work (approx. 3 days)

To consolidate the content learned

Presentation of the project results

Cost calculation, AVA and HOAI in the construction industry

Cost planning in construction (approx. 6 days)

Overview: Cost statements for the service phases (1-9)

Standards and regulations

DIN 276-1 Costs in construction

DIN 277-1 Floor areas and room volumes

WoFlV Living Space Ordinance

Determination of areas and room contents

Floor areas and room contents

Living space

Assignment of quantities and reference units

Consolidation of DIN 276

Scope of application

Structure of the cost breakdown

Cost determination

Cost estimation

Cost calculation

Cost estimate

Quantities and reference units

Working with the BKI Cost Planner

Presentation of a software-based solution

Basic functions of the BKI Cost Planner

Cost estimation and calculation with BKI reference objects

Plausibility checks

Print output and export options

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

AVA - Tendering, awarding and invoicing of construction services (approx. 7 days)

VOB - Contract award and contract regulations for construction services

VOB Part A - Contract award by contracting authorities

Service description

Award procedure and award provisions

VOB Part C - General Technical Contract Terms for Construction Work

Trade-specific regulations for construction work

VOB Part B - General conditions of contract

Special contractual conditions

Additional Technical Terms of Contract

Notice of obstruction and notification of concerns

Acceptance and invoicing

Claims for defects and limitation periods

Working with Orca AVA

Presentation of a software-based solution

Project master data

Cost estimation/calculation

Cost breakdowns DIN 276 and STLB Bau

Tendering with service specifications

Digital request for quotation (GAEB)

Comparison of offers with price comparison lists

Contract awarding

Supplement management

Billing via measurement check and invoice approval

Digital quantity takeoff

Layout and print output

Data interfaces (import/export)

Cost transfer from the BKI cost planner

Orca AVA and Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Overview HOAI (approx. 2 days)

Scope of application

Structure and main contents

Fee assessment basis

Allocability of the cost calculation to the fee calculation

Assessment and allocation to fee zones

Basic services and special services

Services for several properties

Conversion and modernization surcharge

Final invoice

Architect's contract and liability law

Project work (approx. 5 days)

To deepen the contents learned

Use of Orca AVA and the BKI cost planner

Presentation of the project results

BIM Manager - Building Information Modeling

BIM basics (approx. 3 days)

Introduction to the BIM method

Industry standard 4.0

Need for new collaborative forms

Advantages and challenges of the BIM method

BIM and lean management

Open and interoperable solutions

buildingSMART as an organization

BIM competence assessment

National peculiarities in BIM application

National/international standards and guidelines

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies

and possible applications in the professional environment

BIM in the phases: Design-build-operate (approx. 3 days)

BIM as-built determination - data - processes

Specialist models and the coordination of data

Evaluation and use of model data in the planning phase

BIM in the realization phase

BIM in the inventory and in the management phase

BIM reference processes BMVI/ISO 19650 step-by-step plan

BIM project orientation (approx. 4 days)

Requirement of the client - AIA

Implementation of the standards

Information requirements and objectives of the client

BIM control for clients

BIM implementation in the company

BIM reference process - systematics

Project organization and use cases

BIM roles and responsibilities

"BIM Manager" service profile

Object-oriented model structure, BIM tools

Model qualities, classification and coordination

BIM Management (approx. 3 days)

Formulation of the BIM objective

Conditions for successful BIM projects

Project support, data management and reporting on the use of BIM

Creating BIM-compliant templates and guidelines for all planning participants

Legal principles and service profiles (approx. 1 day)

BIM and HOAI - effects on pricing law

BIM contract regulations and components of BIM BVB

Collaboration and coordination (approx. 2 days)

Modeling guidelines

Common Data Environment (CDE)

Use Case Management BIM Workflow

IDM (Information Delivery Manual)

Model View Definition (MVD)

Information supply chain - overall process map

Creation of BIM project execution plan - BAP

Project work, certification preparation and buildingSMART/VDI certification: Professional Certification - Foundation Basic Module incl. certification preparation (approx. 4 days)

Environmental protection officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification

Basics (approx. 2 days)

Environmental law: operator obligations, responsibilities, liability

Rights and obligations of company representatives

Environmental liability law

Administrative offenses and environmental criminal law

Waste management (approx. 4 days)

Waste law

Recycling and Waste Management Act

Subordinate legislation, including NachwV, AVV, AbfAEV, EfbV

Differentiation between product and waste, product regulations (e.g. commercial waste)

Artificial intelligence (AI) in the work process

Presentation of specific AI technologies and possible applications in the professional environment

Water protection (approx. 3 days)

Water law

Water Resources Act (WHG)

Wastewater levy and water usage fees

Indirect discharger ordinance

Sub-legal regulations, including AwSV, AbwV (wastewater disposal/discharge, handling of substances hazardous to water)

Immission control (approx. 4 days)

Immission control law

Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG)

Subordinate legislation to the BImSchG (including BImSchV, TA-Luft, TA-Lärm)

Other relevant legal regulations, including UVPG

Plant approval

Implementation of the IED Directive

Hazardous substances/chemicals law (approx. 4 days)

Basics of handling hazardous substances (including GefStoffV, TRGS)


Requirements for the storage of hazardous substances according to VbF and TRGS

Safety data sheets and operating instructions

Dangerous goods in distinction to waste law

Basics of GGVSEB, ADR

Project work, certification preparation and certification examination "Environmental Protection Officer with TÜV Rheinland-certified qualification" (approx. 3 days)

Changes are possible. The course content is updated regularly.

After the course, you will not only know the basics of construction project management, the essential regulations on construction contract law, the necessary general construction law topics and applicable legal regulations, but also master the step-by-step calculation of construction costs according to DIN 276 in combined application with the DIN 277 standard and the Ordinance on Fees for Architectural and Engineering Services (HOAI). You will also be familiar with BIM structures as well as the terms and methodological principles of BIM and will be able to make well-founded planning decisions based on these. You will also be able to assess risks and take measures to meet all the technical and organizational requirements of a company in the area of environmental protection.

The course is aimed at people with knowledge of (civil) engineering or architecture as well as specialists from related sectors with appropriate professional experience.

As a construction manager, you are responsible for mediating and communicating between clients and contractors and ensuring the smooth realization of the construction project. You will find employment in construction companies, with supply and installation companies, in architectural and engineering offices and with property developers. Construction managers are also in demand in local authorities and with state and federal authorities.

Didactic concept

Your lecturers are highly qualified both professionally and didactically and will teach you from the first to the last day (no self-study system).

You will learn in effective small groups. The courses usually consist of 6 to 25 participants. The general lessons are supplemented by numerous practical exercises in all course modules. The practice phase is an important part of the course, as it is during this time that you process what you have just learned and gain confidence and routine in its application. The final section of the course involves a project, a case study or a final exam.


Virtual classroom alfaview®

Lessons take place using modern alfaview® video technology - either from the comfort of your own home or at our premises at Bildungszentrum. The entire course can see each other face-to-face via alfaview®, communicate with each other in lip-sync voice quality and work on joint projects. Of course, you can also see and talk to your connected trainers live at any time and you will be taught by your lecturers in real time for the entire duration of the course. The lessons are not e-learning, but real live face-to-face lessons via video technology.


The courses at alfatraining are funded by Agentur für Arbeit and are certified in accordance with the AZAV approval regulation. When submitting a Bildungsgutscheinor Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein, the entire course costs are usually covered by your funding body.
Funding is also possible via Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF), Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV) or regional funding programs. As a regular soldier, you have the option of attending further training courses via Berufsförderungsdienst (BFD). Companies can also have their employees qualified via funding from Agentur für Arbeit (Qualifizierungschancengesetz).

We will gladly advise you free of charge. 0800 3456-500 Mon. - Fri. from 8 am to 5 pm
free of charge from all German networks.
We will gladly advise you free of charge. 0800 3456-500 Mon. - Fri. from 8 am to 5 pm free of charge from all German networks.